KS3 Year 7

Yr 7 Purple Tie Cardboard Sculptures

At the end of Year 7 the Purple Tie boys made a series of sculptures based on everyday objects. The playful change of scale turns these functional items into wonderful pieces of art. 

Mattise inspired collage by C.Strong Nwachukwu - 7JDB

Year 7 have been making collages and drawings inspired by Mattise's cut-out work, produced late in his life as an artist. C.Strong has produced a bright and bold image, and explained it in an exciting and articulate way:
"The purpose of this piece of art (which is called ‘Glorious Ruins’) is that the human with the crown is flying like a bird into a dangerous cave. The paper is cut with sharp edges to create a sense of danger and evil. This image also shows bravery. The man wearing the crown has an unflinching, determind gaze on his face. This is to make him look heroic."


Year 7 Shells

Year 7 have combined collage and drawing techniques to produce some fabulous images based on shells.

Yellow Tie Self Portraits

A selection of Yellow tie Self Portraits from Miss Hirst's group

Mark Making Homework

Below are some exemplary examples of a mark making homework from one of Miss Gomm's classes

New Work From the Art Club

Images from the Art Club: sculptures are being made out of cardboard and balsa.

Once the construction process is finished the sculptures are painted.


Yellow ties have been attending an art club.

They made sculptures out of tinfoil:

Below are images of the boys hard at work.

Final Pieces

Mr Brown Inspects a finished piece


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